14 Dec

Representatives of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in India held meetings at universities in Hyderabad and Pune cities of India

Representatives of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Republic of India held meetings with the heads of universities of Hyderabad and Pune cities of India and met with Turkmen students who are studying in those universities. The Turkmen Embassy regularly organizes such meetings to provide support to compatriot students abroad. During a meeting with the leadership of one of the largest educational centers in Hyderabad - Osmania University, as well as with a college at the university, bilate...

28 Oct

Ýurt daşyndaky Türkmenistanyň raýatlarynyň biometrik maglumatly pasportlarynyň möhletiniň uzaldylmagy bilen bagly

Hormatly raýatlar! Häzirki wagtda Internet torunda (sosial mediýada) ýurt daşynda wagtlaýyn ýa-da hemişelik ýaşaýan Türkmenistanyň raýatlarynyň biometrik pasportlarynyň möhletleriniň geljek ýyllar üçin hem uzaltmalaryň dowam edýändigi barada galp we nädogry maglumatlaryň ýaýradylýandygyna ünsüňizi çekýäris. Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň 2022-nji ýylyň 9-njy maýyndaky «Türkmenistanyň raýatynyň Türkmenistandan gitmek we Türkmenistana gelmek üçin pasportynyň hereket ediş möhletiniň uzaldylandy...

25 Oct

Meeting of the President of Turkmenistan with the UN Secretary General

On October 24, 2024, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a meeting with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on the sidelines of the XVI BRICS Summit in the «BRICS Plus/Outreach» format held in Kazan. Having warmly greeted each other, the head of Turkmenistan and the head of the largest international organization expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to discuss in a personal conversation the current state and prospects for the further development of the established constru...

17 Oct

Presentation of a collection of poems by Magtymguly Fragi translated into Kyrgyz

On October 17, 2024, a presentation ceremony of a collection of poems by Magtymguly Fragi translated into Kyrgyz was held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the diplomatic corps and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, literary scholars, scientists, journalists, faculty and students of the institute, as well as media repr...

16 Oct

Делегация Туркменистана приняла участие в заседании Совета глав правительств ШОС

16 октября 2024 года в рамках визита в Исламскую Республику Пакистан делегация Туркменистана во главе с Министром иностранных дел Туркменистана Рашидом Мередовым приняла участие в заседании Совета глав правительств Шанхайской организации сотрудничества (ШОС). В своем выступлении туркменская сторона отметила, что сегодня имеются объективные и реальные возможности придать сотрудничеству Туркменистана с ШОС новый импульс. В числе приоритетных направлений взаимодействия были названы транспорт, св...

14 Oct

UNESCO Certificate Award Ceremony held in Arkadag

On October 12, 2024, a conference was held at Aba Annaev International Horse Breeding Academy in Arkadag, during which a ceremony was held in a solemn atmosphere to award the Certificate on the inclusion of the nomination "Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding Art and Horse Decoration Traditions" in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The conference was preceded by an exhibition in the foyer of the main building of Aba Annaev International Horse Breeding Academ...

12 Oct

В Ашхабаде прошел Международный форум «Взаимосвязь времён и цивилизаций – основа мира и развития»

11 октября 2024 года в Ашхабаде под председательством Президента Туркменистана Сердара Бердымухамедова состоялся Международный форум «Взаимосвязь времён и цивилизаций – основа мира и развития». В мероприятии приняли участие Президент Республики Армения Ваагн Хачатурян, Президент Исламской Республики Иран Масуд Пезешкиан, Президент Республики Казахстан Касым-Жомарт Токаев, Президент Кыргызской Республики Садыр Жапаров, Президент Монголии Ухнаагийн Хурэлсух, Президент Исламской Республики Пакис...